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Fulshear Medical Associates -  - Internal Medicine

Fulshear Medical Associates

Primary Care Physician & Psychiatry located in Houston, TX

Depression is the leading cause of disability among people in the United States ages 15-44. If persistent sadness disrupts your life but you’re unwilling or unable to take antidepressant medications, board-certified internal medicine physician Madiha Ghayas, MD, can help. At Fulshear Medical Associates in Houston, he and his team offer transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, to ease symptoms of depression naturally. Call Fulshear Medical Associates to learn more or book an appointment online today.


What is TMS?

TMS, or transcranial magnetic stimulation, is a noninvasive, innovative treatment for depression that involves brain stimulation. TMS devices apply powerful magnetic fields to areas of the brain that affect mood to ease depression symptoms. It doesn’t require anesthesia and is well-tolerated by most patients.

Research is ongoing to determine which additional medical conditions TMS might be useful for. Future possibilities include chronic pain, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Who benefits from TMS?

The main benefit of TMS is that it’s noninvasive and an alternative to depression medications, which often produce side effects. Some people aren’t able to take such medications because of a medical condition. If you suffer from depression, you might experience:

  • Persistent sadness
  • Feeling hopeless or empty
  • Loss of interest in favorite activities
  • Angry outbursts or irritability
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Unintentional weight loss or weight gain
  • Anxiety or restlessness
  • Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
  • Physical aches and pains

Depression can be dangerous if you have thoughts of harming yourself, which is why seeking immediate treatment is important.

What should I expect during TMS?

Dr. Ghayas completes TMS in-office as a series of treatments. She might initially recommend sessions several times weekly for 4-6 weeks. Prior to treatment, Dr. Ghayas identifies the best area on your head to place TMS magnets.

During your session, you sit in a comfortable chair and wear earplugs. Dr. Ghayas places an electromagnetic coil against your head, where it switches on and off repeatedly to create pulses. You might feel clicking sounds or a tapping sensation on your forehead during the procedure.

TMS treatments typically last about 20-50 minutes. You remain alert and awake but might feel slight scalp discomfort during or right after your session.

What happens after treatment?

After the procedure, you can return to normal daily activities. If TMS works for you, depression symptoms might improve or disappear entirely after several weeks of treatment. While TMS doesn’t work for everybody, it’s usually effective 50%-60% of the time in people who haven’t had success with antidepressants.

If you suspect you’re depressed but depression medications aren’t right for you, call Fulshear Medical Associates to learn more about TMS treatment or use the online scheduler today.

We are focused on primary care and see patients for weight loss and allergies. 

We are a primary care practice and offer annual physicals. Call us to book your appointment today.

We see patients for weight loss and allergies. Call us to book your appointment today.